CTI implemented the IO3 workshop in the premises of CTI in Patras on 13 July 2022. Ten students attended the workshop, and their age was about 11-12 years old. In conjunction with the workshop, we had the opportunity to test the Co-MAP platform. The CTI coordinator talked to the students about what they could do through the platform, how it works, and how they could interact with other participants.
So, therefore, a pilot testing of the CoMAP platform took place when the workshop was completed. The children discussed with each other logged into the platform and activated their accounts.
We pointed out to interact with the creations produced by the rest of the countries and the children liked photos and videos, which contained artwork material.
We note that the children did not mainly focus on the “Welcome” section but went straight into the “Connect” section and the respective space.

The children seemed comfortable with the platform environment, and it was familiar to them. We can even mention that the whole process of first contact with the platform was fun for them.

They felt free to interact with the other users through the platform. Consequently, the feedback was quite positive.

In the meantime, photos of the produced artwork were collected and were uploaded to the space gallery. Some teachers and parents were available online to test the platform as well, during the internal pilot testing.